Fall 2023 - Bill 202: The Housing Statutes (Housing Security) Amendment Act
Alberta is currently in the midst of a housing crisis. Every Albertan deserves a home that is safe and affordable. This cannot be achieved while Calgary has the fastest increasing rent in the country and Edmonton the third.
This bill seeks to help by addressing the skyrocketing rent increases facing far too many Albertans. The bill proposes a temporary rent increase cap set at 2% for 2 years and then tied to CPI between 2-5% for 2 years.
This act would also provide greater accountability and transparency from the government by asking for detailed affordable and social housing targets and reporting. This would extend to the rent supplement and the rent supplement waitlist, as well as, cooperative housing. We must build more affordable housing and this is a critical piece of holding the government accountable to do that.
Key Points
Housing Targets and Reporting
This section establishes public annual affordable and social housing targets and public reporting on these targets. By January 1, of each year, the minister must release public targets for affordable and social housing on their website. These targets are defined by type and will be set for the fiscal year.
Affordable Housing
- Single Family Residences
- Multi-unit residences
- Apartments
- Any type defined as affordable housing that does not fit in these categories
Social Housing
- Seniors Lodges
- Seniors self-contained housing accommodations
- Any type defined as social housing that does not fit in these categories
Housing Reporting
Housing reporting will be made publicly available in the annual report in the following fiscal year.
Reporting will cover:
- Affordable and Social housing units defined by type
- Units that lost designations
- Units that were built or converted
- Units supported by the rent supplement
- Households on the rent supplement waitlist
Temporary Rent Increase Cap
With rents increasing at the highest rate in Canada, this bill would implement a 4 year rent cap that would apply to both rented mobile homes and rental units.
- All eligible units will have rent increases capped at 2% for two years.
- Then the cap will be set at CPI for Alberta for two years.
- When the cap is tied to CPI maximum rent increases will fall between 2-5%
- Meaning if CPI is below 2% the maximum a rent can increase by is 2%
- If CPI is above 5% the maximum a rent can increase by is 5%.
Landlords will also be able to apply to have their rent increase above the maximum. This application will be made to the Dispute Resolution Service.
Vacancy Control
For the four years the temporary rent increase cap is in place, the cap will also apply to vacant units. This ensures renters entering the market, and renters who for whatever reason need to find new housing have the same rent increase caps apply to the units they can access.
Press Releases
Alberta NDP Introduces Bill to Give Alberta Renters Immediate Relief During Housing Crisis, December 5, 2023.
Link and Resources
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