Your Voice is Important!

Your Voice is Important!

Anti-Racism in Education


Education – Saturday, January 16, 2021

Guest Speakers: Dr. Dustin Louie & Dr. Farha Shariff



We believe that the education system needs to prepare our students to be engaged, critical, and well-rounded members of society. It must do so while being a safe, growth-orientated, and inclusive environment. 

We heard from Albertans that there is a deep desire for a parent/guardian centred system of accountability and a need to create culturally relevant and accessible teaching materials/systems/methods for Indigenous and racialized communities.

Participants recommended increasing representation in the education system by addressing the procedures and practices that discourage racialized folks from engaging, participating, and staying in the system replaced with safer spaces, resourcing, and other supports.

Lastly, respondents believe anti-racist education will play an essential role in actioning anti-racist norms and practices in other sectors.


 Addressing the systemic lack of accountability, resources, and representation will require specific, intentioned policies to adjust training, hiring and recruiting practices. Creating an education system that is representative of the population that it serves will need:







Your voice is important and invaluable. Please register here to join the conversation.

This is a free digital event. You will receive a secure Zoom link a few days prior to the event date.  



9:30am - Registration

10:00am- Opening Remarks

10:45am - Speaker: Dr. Dustin Louie 

11:15am - Policy Discussion 1

12:15pm - Lunch Break

12:45pm - Speaker: Dr. Farha Shariff

1:00pm - Policy Discussion 2

2:00pm - Next Steps

2:30pm - Closing Remarks